
Su is a trained teacher and has worked in countless schools since 1995, teaching about the music of the Baka forest people, singing, listening and performance skills as well as the Eco-issues of the rainforest, where she has much first hand experience .
She works from early years to 6th form, special needs & in prisons. She has taught teachers in the UK and abroad and spoken and taught at conferences for Jenny Mosley’s Circle Time and for many regional county music services.
Rainforest Workshop for key stage 1 & 2.
A multi-disciplinary day for music, Global Citizenship, Geography and PHSE.
Su bases her workshop on the first hard experience of living with the Baka hunter- gatherers many times since 1992. It is built around National Curriculum guidelines and gets children and teachers actively participating with confidence.
The day begins with 1 hour introduction of short films, stories and background to the forest people and their culture followed by practical workshops of many aspects of Baka culture and music making to develop listening skills and musicianship.
Participants will learn to …..
- Clap independent rhythms,
- Sing call and response songs and chants learned from the Baka children,
- Play co-operative games
- Learn songs with dances
- Costumes and forest instruments can be made
” Su truly inspires and gets great results from the children here, especially some of the most challenging ones. The rainforest and all its issues come alive. They learn an enormous amount and are having so much fun they don’t know it’s work. “
Karen Millar Salusbury Road School. London
Key stage 3
The talk and film input will incorporate knowledge of the Baka as a hunter gathering society, their ideas of demand sharing, music and spirituality
Issues such as human rights, sustainable development, rainforest ecology, and the way to a positive future for the forests and forest people will be discussed.
Discussions will be followed by practical music making session including learning the unique interlocking singing styles for the Baka.